
A never-ending journey

Our constant pursuit of ‘better’ for the industries and institutions we work with, also applies to our own company. Being a sustainable business is a journey not a final destination, and we’re always searching for new ways to do things better. We look at our performance and set specific targets within the Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) areas to better create value for both our society and our business in the long run


We are committed to having net zero emissions across our entire value chain by 2045. But for us, environmental impact goes beyond CO2 and encompasses consumption, handling of waste and protection of the environment and biodiversity.


We are focused on strengthening our inclusive and diverse working environment to make sure we attract, develop and retain highly skilled individuals. Additionally, we collaborat with our local Municipality and contribute to meaningful initiatives.


Our governance covers our ownership structure, how we run our business and how we oversee and priorities our sustainability and ESG agenda.

ESG highlights

Our commitment

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech are committed to bring forward pharmaceutical materials that enable our customers to produce better medicines in a sustainable way. We are committed to create value for our employees, surrounding environment and society.

To support this commitment, Novo Nordisk Pharmatech will align and continual improve our performance within these areas.

Our policies

The Novo Nordisk Pharmatech policies provide guidance on how we conduct business.

At Novo Nordisk Pharmatech we develop, manufacture, and deliver products and services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. We export our products worldwide, and Novo Nordisk A/S uses some of our products in the manufacturing process of Novo Nordisk products.

Health and safety contribute to Novo Nordisk Pharmatech sustainability by proactively identifying and mitigating for our significant aspects (process risk/emergency management, chemical and hazardous materials, ergonomics, falls and transport). We are committed to:

  • Operate by high health and safety standards throughout the world
  • Continually review our management systems and processes to identify opportunities to eliminate hazards and reduce H&S risks
  • Ensure that the working environment is not compromised for economic or productivity reasons
  • Ensure our employees and health and safety representatives are involved in how we maintain and improve health and safety
  • Hold our people accountable for their actions regarding workplace safety
  • Comply with legal requirements, other commitments and follow relevant international conventions

At Novo Nordisk Pharmatech prevention and continual improvement is the key to our health and safety management system and site culture. We are committed to uphold a safe and healthy working environment, that is an attractive and modern workplace which promotes the health and wellbeing of those who work at our facilities. This means we will:

  • Ensure adequate planning of our work
  • Design adequate working environments
  • Think “working environment” before we act – think twice
  • Encourage personal development
  • Replace dangerous chemicals where we can
  • Handle dangerous chemicals in a safe way
  • Bring down the risks by using workplace assessments and risk analysis
  • Analyse accidents and high-risk potential incidents
  • Maintain focus on our stress management activities

Our Executive Management is responsible for the overall health and safety policy and for setting the strategic direction within this area. We ensure clear communication on our policy and strategic direction, both internally and externally, and ensure to report progress in a timely and transparent way.

At Novo Nordisk Pharmatech we develop, manufacture, and deliver products and services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. We export our products worldwide, and Novo Nordisk A/S uses some of our products in the manufacturing process of Novo Nordisk products.

Environmental sustainability at Novo Nordisk Pharmatech entails a commitment to minimize the effect our operation has on our surrounding environment. We consider the following to be our most significant environmental impacts across our value chain:

  • Energy consumption
  • Water and wastewater
  • Air emissions incl. greenhouse gas emissions
  • Hazardous and non-hazardous waste
  • Resource consumption

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech integratse environmental considerations into everything we do and is committed to our environmental strategy of having zero environmental impact by embedding circular economy in our business. We work across our entire value chain. This means we will:

  • Continuously improve our performance toward zero environmental impact
  • Integrate environmental assessments and a circular mindset in decision-making
  • Promote more sustainable processes and products
  • Protect our surrounding environment and biodiversity by preventing pollution
  • Comply with legal requirements and other commitments and follow relevant international conventions

Our Executive Management is responsible for the overall environmental policy and for setting strategic direction within the environmental area. We ensure clear communication on our policy and strategic direction, both internally and externally, and ensure to report progress in a timely and transparent way.

Our certifications

We are proud to be certified according to industry standards and have an integrated quality, safety & environment management system, according to ISO 90001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001. 

Download our certifications below:

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