
ESG highlights

NNPR is certified after ISO 45001 where we anchor our strategic commitment to a Safety First and zero-accident mindset, and address well-being proactively and continuously monitor employee-reported stress and pain symptoms to improve well-being of our employees.

In 2023, we experienced an increase in accidents without absence. This is due to a change in how potential risk of chemical-exposure is now being registrere. There does not need to be a clear indication of harm/impact but a potenital exposure to hazardous materials.

We experienced an increase of near miss and dangerous situations due to our focus on reporting and follow up on safety observations registered by our employees, emboding our Safety First mindset.

In 2024, our focus will be on continuously mitigating our production risks and optimising employee safety. This will be done by, among other initiatives, strengthening our chemical and biological safety management, implementing a new EHS management of change process and collaborating with the Køge local authority to address transportation concerns regarding commuting to and from our site.

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