Managing risk is central to the business in Novo Nordisk Pharmatech

Managing risk is central to the business in Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S, as it is critical for us to protect our assets, our employees, and the business of our customers. The top five risks for Novo Nordisk Pharmatech are identified as:

Anti-corruption and bribery: As Novo Nordisk Pharmatech operates in a global market, we also adhere to the highest standards of business ethics in our dealings with external parties.

Health & Safety: Our production processes involve chemicals that are potentially hazardous to the health and safety of our employees as well as the local environment. Therefore, we are continuously investing to mitigate the risk of adverse situations in this area.

Environmental: We are continuously reviewing our environmental mitigation plans to ensure we are equipped to deal with abnormal climate situations.

Commercial risks: As part of annual budgeting and follow up, we build in expectations to market development short term, mid term and long term.

Human rights: Novo Nordisk Pharmatech follows the Novo Nordisk policy for human rights. Due to the nature of our business, our suppliers and distribution set-up, it is our assessment that the issue of human rights is not a significant risk and therefore no mitigating actions are put into place.

It is the responsibility of the management board to review the overall risk exposure of the company. For this purpose, a risk assessment process is in place, where relevant risks are identified and assessed on a frequent basis. On the basis of this assessment, mitigation plans are evaluated twice a year and subsequently reported to the Board of Directors as a standard agenda item at Board meetings.

You can read more about us as a company here: About Novo Nordisk Pharmatech – Learn more about us